June 05, 2005

To Be or Not To Be.. Evil

I just finished reading The Family by Mario Puzo. It was a very revealing and entertaining story about the life of the Borgia family in Italy and the famous Pope Alexander during Renaissance. With my fascination for the mob and their amazing stories by Mr.Puzo( think The Godfather --> Vito Corleone), I was hooked on every page of this novel. I was still surprised with how mean people can be when they want to and how love can be used to attain power and glory. A particular paragraph caught my attention and brought shivers down my spine. And I quote…

“ Even in the most treacherous of times, some men prove to be more evil than any other men. Cruelty pulses through their hearts and veins, bringing them to life and awakening their senses. And so they suffer the same exhilaration when torturing their fellow man that most men feel when making love. They hold a punishing and powerful God, one of their own invention, and with warped religious fervor create themselves in the vision of this illusion. King Ferrante of Naples was one of those men. And in an unfortunate circumstance for his enemies, he found even more rapture in mental torture than in physical.”

-taken from The Family by Mario Puzo

Wow! Ferrante is one mean and bad king.

I never met anyone in my entire life who fits this description but I have a good feeling that in reality, there are people who are mean and may compete with the above. They either take pleasure in bringing pain or suffering or just being their mean old self. Did they ever have a father or a mother who loved them? What happened? Sabi nga ng Blackeyedpeas ... Where is the Love?

I am still a believer and an optimist by heart. I believe that there is good in every person no matter how bad he is. Sometimes, we just need to discover it for them or find out by ourselves. No one just grows to become a monster. You are either forced or influenced to become one. But then again, the choice in the end is always yours. Ahh choices... We are always faced with them in our everyday lives. You can be good or bad, black or white, left or right, naughty or nice and the list goes on. There are moments when I choose to be biatch especially during those not so good days but I do not permanently choose to be one. I hope there will be less people who choose to become a King Ferrante in this small world of ours. *sigh*

Posted by duke at 6/05/2005 01:45:00 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always been a believer of the saying that "you are what you make of yourself" but a friend once said to me, there are just people who destiny is etched on the palm of their hand. Surprisingly enough, I have observed this to be true in cases where no matter how hard you try to walk a different path, the road you take still leads you back to the main road.
For me, it takes faith and a lot of will to change your destiny. That is and always will be God's best gift that differentiates us from animals...free will.

6/06/2005 06:34:00 PM  

Blogger Teacher Sol said...

Arrogance is blinding. Allowed to fester, this negative feeling can consume increasingly larger portions of our life, of any of us, even those in the religious sector. Evil lurks anywhere ready to victimize the weak.

I am always on the lookout for heroes in my own life to admire and emulate. Not everyone in power or in the religious sector is a role model. Sometimes a hero can be a nobody. I try to adopt their styles. Then, lead by example.

6/07/2005 07:17:00 PM  

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